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电 话15989990311

传 真0757-81118322

邮 箱287472341@qq.com

地 址佛山南海里水镇岗联工业区兴业路8号

网 址http://www.tiangejc.com


Tianchen Industrial Group Co., Ltd. is a large scale HongKong-funded enterprise, located at No.303 Xuannisi road, Wan Chai,Hongkong, which commits itself to acoustic products’ and photovaltaic materials’ development, trading and mainland investment. After long time investment and development, Tianchen Industrial Group Co., Ltd. has its own two manufacturers in Guangzhou and Foshan; and even in Jiangshu, Shandong and Heilungkiang, based on their local material advantages, we have our joint venture manufacturers there. Under this enterprise, we have these main products: wood grooved panels, wooden-thread panels, polyester fiber panels, fabric panels, honeycomb ceramics, sound insulation board, deadening felt, sound and shock absorption mat and all kinds of compound greener wood etc.

Tiange Building Materials Co., Ltd. as the sales headquarters in mainland of Tianchen Industrial Croup Co., Ltd., it offers the services of inside acoustic consultation and design, project denoiser handling and acoustic products installation etc. This company is promoting the brands “FRATSEN” and “TIANGE”, which are very famous in this acoustic industry, and enjoy very high public praises among the consumers. Based on the logos of “DECREASE NOISY ENVIRONMENT, BUILD ELEGANT SPACE”, we are always trying to offer better quality products and service level in the acoustic industry. And we have got many popularizations during the acoustic professors and famous decoration companies. Our brands are appointed by many major projects and our products are selling to more than 10 countries and districts in the world. In the future development, we are putting more concentration on the products quality and keeping cooperated consent, improving and enjoying the profit together with all of the old and new clients.







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