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地 址沈阳市沈河区奉天街17号

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沈阳香眠新家居制品有限公司占地 13330 平方米,设有现代化办公区、生产区、外商服务中心,总建筑面积达 10000 平方米。公司引进国际先进生产设备,采用世界航空高新技术及高品质原料,研制生产记忆绵系列产品,主要品种有枕头、床垫、靠垫、汽车内部靠垫、玩具等。
We are a modern company that covers 13330 square meters and 10000 square meters building area, we have modern office building, workshop and Foreign Service center. Our company imports advanced equipment and machines from abroad, introduces into Aero high technology and high quality materials. The series of memory foam products covers pillow, mattress, cushion, toy and other related accessories.
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