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传 真0311-84319777

邮 箱chunyiying_anna@yahoo.com.cn

地 址石家庄市晋州市新世纪商城纺织中心A座30号

网 址www.chunyiying.com


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石家庄春益莹纺织有限公司,坐落于历史名相魏征的故里--晋州市纺织城,南邻石德铁路线,307国道穿过,北临石黄高速,交通十分便利,是集纺纱 织布 印染 销售于一体的专业性生产企业。企业经营始终坚持“质量第一 信誉第一 服务至上”的宗旨,让客户真正体会到“物超所值的内涵,”追求卓越 创造完美“是我们的企业精神。春益莹公司遵循不断创新发展的方针,坚持不懈的与海内外各界朋友真诚合作,共创美好未来。
Shijiazhuang Chunyiying Textile Co.,Ltd.,is located on the Textile center of Jinzhou City which has a long history and is also famouse for being the hometown of Weizheng,a very famous Prime minister in Chniese history . With regard to the convennient transportation network ,Jinzhou City has Shide railway Line and Shihuang highway on its south and north side respectively. Meanwhile,the Free way No.307 passes through the city as well.
Our company is a all-round one which is integrated with the Yarn Producing, Fabric Weaving,Color processing and products selling. The tenet "Quality First , and Service Best ' is the aim that our company always pursue. All we want is to make our client feel what they buy from us really worth their money back."For the excellence for the Perfect" is our company's eternal sprits.The last but not least, our company follows the guideline of sustainable development ,Looking forword to the most sincere cooperation with domestic and foreign costomers.


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