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ShenZhen Rui Hongfu Technology Co., Ltd http://www.szrhfkj.com
深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司是集于生产研发魔术贴尼龙粘扣带、射出勾魔术贴、蘑菇头魔术贴、细软勾魔术贴、勾毛同体魔术贴、不抓毛魔术贴、发卷带魔术贴、高周波电压魔术贴、防火阻燃魔术贴、背靠背魔术贴、背胶冲型魔术贴、松紧弹力魔术贴、、3M魔术贴、魔术布/OK布、注塑袖口魔术贴、3D VR眼镜头带、运动器材魔术贴、医用魔术贴、数据线收纳皮扣、研磨片魔术贴、特殊魔术贴等产品为粘扣捆绑扎带提供最好的解决方案定制加工的大型厂家之一
魔术贴制造过程首先是织机将原料尼龙纱经织带机造成胚带形状,在经高温染色设备将半成品的胚带染成各种颜色.粘扣带的绒面胚带是先染颜色在 经起毛机设备将颜色胚带绒面表面刷起卷毛后再经上浆定型,粘扣带的钩面是将染好的胚带钩面上浆定型后再将胚带表面的的尼龙单丝经进口切钩机给予均匀适当的切断单丝便形成带有钩黏性胚带,最后再经进口分条经卷设备给予分条成所需的各种规格宽度.再切断所需长度后并卷装箱.

Our company specializes in the nylon fastener tape and nylon hair rollers. Having 16 years of manufacture experience. We are in the dominant position in the same line of business on the price and quality.
We can offer the following sizes:
12.5mm,16mm,20mm,25mm,30mm,38mm,50mm,100mm,110mm,125mm all kinds of colors including black & white ,we also can dye the differntly colors as the costumer's samples colors ,and we can produce 200 million meters once a year
粘扣带适用范围Touch Fastener can replace traditional fasteners such as buttons and zippers. Its advantages of convenience, multi-function and strong can enhance the applications in apparel, sporting goods, bags, shoes, health care..,etc.
自粘热熔胶Rubber-Based Adhesive Tape
IT resists heat, cold and OOP. The tapes with good tack and without excessive glue are suitable for using on stationary and plasticworks within the temperature -20°C~70°C.
压克力胶Acrylic-Based Adhesive Tape
IT is heat-actived and resistant to high temperature. It will be fully boned after 24 hours and situable for applying to mobile industry within the temperature -20°C~70°C.
电线带 TRIHOOK AB TOUCH FASTENER is creatively made under Paiho Group's professional production process. This AB Tape touch fastener minimizes the size of the product by weaving the hooks and loops on one side and keeps the same closure function as general. This product is exclusively used as fasteners for cable tie, luggage, lunch box, book, etc. It is also applied as zipper pullers for a brilliant idea on product design.
纺织部生产各种规格尼龙粘扣带、塑料勾、背膠自粘、高週波、磨菇头、和其它有特殊功能磨术贴(俗称:魔术贴)抓毛布、各种规格的织带、特种带、金银葱带等特殊装饰带,棉带 白扁带 拉力带 加强带 弹力加强带我公司专业生产供应各种种类和规格的加强作用的加强带供玩具(布公仔)车缝加强用的,车缝生产玩具连同棉带 白扁带 拉力带 加强带 弹力加强带一起车缝使用。使玩具更加完美无暇,符合国际测试认可标准。广泛适用于鞋帽、手袋、服装、玩具、工艺品、圣诞礼品及医疗、运动器材用品等。适用范围广阔,多样种类,颜色可选择!!
塑胶部生产加工成型各种规格特殊粘扣电线扎带、背膠自粘冲型粘扣带、尼龙粘扣捆线带、魔术贴綁捆带、特殊电线捆绑带、尼龙束带、PVC扎带、PE扎带、包胶铁线、胶针、子母扣等产品;本公司实行产销一条龙服务,可挚诚为客户提供送货上门服务。物美价廉 欢迎咨询订购


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